Our registration maximum has been reached.
If you are interested in volunteering (rising 8th graders and older), you may sign up now!
All volunteers 18 years and older must be VIRTUS certified! Please check out the VIRTUS website for VIRTUS classes in our area and watch the parish bulletin for classes offered at our own parish.
Volunteers who are under 18 years old need 2 forms to volunteer with VBS (or anywhere in our parish).
Please download a
either a
Act fast! VIRTUS classes for adults and VIRTUS forms for minors MUST be completed before the first day of VBS. (Minors: In most cases, you'll need your reference forms signed before school ends in May!)
VBS takes a lot of planning, a lot of details, and a lot of items!
You can help by visiting our Amazon page and making purchases for SJV's VBS. All items come directly to the church and are used during VBS week. Not only does this help us keep the cost down, it also helps us mark things off a VERY long to-do list!
Thank you so much for your donation! Every little item is enjoyed by the children of SJV and appreciated by the VBS Core Team!
1920 Skyview Drive
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
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