Exodus Bible Study

Exodus Bible Study

Why study Exodus?

God does more in the Exodus than lead Israel out of Egypt; he leads them to himself. Exodus is a story about freedom—not just freedom from something, but freedom for something. God does not stop at saving his people from slavery; he seeks to save them for a relationship with him—for sonship. Spiritual freedom takes sacrifice and trust in God. The people of Israel are tested, and through their successes and failures, we learn much more about God than his name; we learn about his gracious mercy and fidelity. And this is vital for us because we, too, face trials and an arduous journey home. Like Israel before us, the main skill we need to navigate this journey is trust in God. Can Israel walk out of bondage and through a wild wilderness and not lose faith? Can we? The goal of this story is to enable us to follow the love of God wherever it leads us, trusting he will see us through to the end.

Come and join us to learn more about God's Plan for us! This Bible Study begins Thursday, January 25th at 10am in the St. John’s Room. We will end Thursday, April 4, 2024. We will not have Bible Study on Holy Thursday, March 28th. Participants must pay $25 for the work book.

Please email Ana with any questions: aaleman@sjvpar.net.

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