Angel Tree

Angel Tree 2024

As we start the Advent season, our Angel Tree is once again available. 

This is an excellent way to give back this holiday season. 

This year four charities are represented.  Please consider taking an angel from the tree or donating here.

Loving Hands Ministry

Loving Hands Ministry serves individuals and families in crisis situations.  They provide clothing and, as needed, household goods to people such as those who are escaping abusive situations, individuals released from incarceration, those who are in addiction recovery, people struggling with mental health issues and personal crisis.

Please leave items for Loving Hands Ministry under the Angel Tree by Sunday, December 22, 2024 

Please do not wrap donations.

Items Needed
PAC: Pregnancy Aid Clinic

The mission of the Pregnancy Aid Clinic is to promote the sanctity of human life as recognized in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.


There are three (3) ways to support the Pregnancy Aid Clinic:

1.  Visit PAC's website to donate.

2. Mail a check directly to the clinic:

Pregnancy Aid Clinic 
P.O. Box 92 
Roswell GA 30077

3. Place a donation for the clinic in any collection on or before the Feast of the Holy Innocents on December 28, 2024. You can get a specially marked envelope near the Angel Tree.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting members of the community during times of need. The organization offers a variety of services and programs in the form of financial aid, food, clothing, temporary housing, and education. Their largest need right now is monetary donations to help members with financial aid.

There are two (2) ways to support the St. Vincent de Paul Society:

1. Give online here.  Go to ‘Second Collections’, then ‘St. Vincent de Paul’.

2. Place a check in the offertory basket during any Mass. Be sure to make the check payable to ‘St. Vincent de Paul’.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home

Since 1939, the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, Servants of Relief for Incurable Cancer, have cared for those suffering from incurable cancer who cannot afford care elsewhere. The Sisters strive to provide a place where the sick can experience comfort, peace, and security.

There are two (2) ways to support Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home:

1. Mail a donation directly to the Home with the envelope provided near the Angel Tree. Please write a check made out to ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home’ - the Home cannot accept cash.

2. Place a donation for the Home in any collection on or before December 22, 2024. Please use the envelope provided near the Angel Tree. Please write a check made out to ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cancer Home’ - the Home cannot accept cash.

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